Chocolate Mousse (egg less) – an easy to make delicious dessert

Chocolate Mousse – an easy to make delicious dessert

Step 1


  • Cooking chocolate – 100 gram (any unsweetened chocolate can be used)
  • Butter – 1 tablespoon
  • Coffee powder – 1 pinch
  • Nutella – 1 tablespoon


Double boil the chocolate along with butter as shown in the video (can use microwave also for melting).

Add coffee powder and nutella also.  Allow the chocolate mix to cool down.

Step 2


  • Cold whipping cream – 1 1/2 cup
  • Heavy cream – tablespoon
  • Sugar – 1/2 cup powdered


Beat the whipping cream using egg beater or hand mixer. Add heavy cream after a while and then add sugar in parts when soft peak starts forming. Beat until  the mix hold soft peak (please don’t over beat as it will turn buttery). Now add the melted chocolate mix and fold gently. Chocolate Mousse is ready. Chill and serve. Top it with some cream, ice cream or nuts according to your choice.

Refer detailed step by step cooking video below